Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

(C.L) another math peroblem

Another busy day -,- have no time to posting here since entering college life, I'm getting busy with assignment, since every meeting we got assignment so I have to make it immediately so it won't get stack.

I think my healthy eyes would be using glasses for a view next months because everyday and about 40% of the day I'm searching, browsing for assignment through laptop or phone.

And today is really unexpected +_+, we Learn Business mathematics and we're making the task, and it's hard for me (I'm not really great in math but at least i know how to count money lol)

Making it reminds me of my high school, when our sir is really high temperature -_-# and we're always on 'intense mode' and we must understand and actually we did but we just forget it so easily,

And I realize, when I'm in high school I always hoping and seeking my friends for the answer of math but they didn't explain to me.

So now i need friends in my class  who knows math to become my teacher so I won't feel being force or uncomfortable and asking them anytime with any expression.

I want to cry seeing the bussimath books Q,Q
I'm hoping Kris EXO or Donghae SuJu is the one who teaching and so I will study really Serious and get an A+++ lol.

Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013

(C.L) no need to read - Bored

Heyhow readers specially myself karna cuman aku yg baca XD.

Kali ini aku lagi maless beuuuddd... cuaca di negara2 4 musim lagi pertengahan summer skrg, nah klo di tempat ku khususnya North Sulawesi lagi musim raining and windy hampir mirip badai deh klo malam serem tuh pohonnya keres beud ditiup angin.
Hiiiii.. -_-#

Btw, skrg aku cuman mo ngetik asal2an lewat hape sambil denger lagu kpop n battery Hp makin menipis hwhw, bosannn beud.
Yahh skrg jam 6.31pm palingan dikit lagi bakal diajak makan diluar, soalnya hari ini gak ada yg masak as always, semuanya sibuk soalnya.

Exit Bubbaayyy   (o^◇^)o

Uoo Siwon! Saranghaeyo! don't Bubbayy me!  Hahahaks #pret

Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

C.L no need to read, Graduated!

Hahiagdjsh hahahah!!!!
hadehhh parah, #mulai menggila haha

Well hello for myself … *sepi pembaca* xD jumat tgl 24 lalu pengumuman kelulusan, nnn aku lulus *pastinya* heheh…
Seneng beuddd └(^o^)┘

Temen2ku blg hri senin datang yee mau coret2 gityu hehe, eh taunya adek aku ujian semester seninnya, jadi malas dtg skolah buat coret2 sama temen2, takutnya di usir gitu, nahhh d rumah aku buka fb/twitter n baca status temen, mereka bkin konvoi sendiri lah dikejar polisi lah haha udah bener aku tidur aje di rumah hahah xD

Pulangnya si Anes adeku dri skolah dia crita ada temen2 ku pda dtg *udah janjian sbenarnya ama aku xD* hehe paling mereka jg ngerti lah klo aku sering molor mpe jam 12, pernah, sekali bangun udah jam 3.30 buset bener udah waktu bangun jam tidur siang tuhhh  ̄︿ ̄pas bangun yaa pusing Dx

Pokoke aku seneng deh bisa lulus, ntar ikut tes masuk kuliah duehh~ hehe gak ngrasa usah mau kuliah hahah
Skarang pekerjaan di rumah cuma molor ajaeee, maen ama anjing2-kuu sii Chiko n Chelsea  (*¯︶¯*) nonton plus internetan dan pastinya kegiatan sehari-hari donggg~

But,, I will prepare and study again to face the test to enter college ~

Senin, 22 April 2013

Last day National Exam (UN)

Today's tuesday 23/4/2013

Memang kalo abis ulangan tuh kebanyakan siswa seneng beud, sya sndiri pengen teriakkk!!! └(^o^)┘ Whoohooo!!!

Hanya kata LULUS yang ditunggu-tunggu, tidak ada kata tidak lulus diperbolehkan #cieeeh hehe!

Plus kalo kuhitung sndiri nilai hasil akhirku, lumayan-laahhh standar juga kagappa hehe~
Kalau misalnya jg ada satu matpel yg cuma 5,0 pasti di dongkrak matpel b.inggris yg sya yakin lulus ohoho #ngaco

Hadeehh yg penting saya yakin n percaya kalo kiita si kelas XII pasti lulus koqq! Hehe

Sekian bacotannya~
Selamat menanti kata LULUS~ └(^o^)┘

Minggu, 21 April 2013

My Opinion

Selamat berkunjung di blog-ku yang sepi ene, di blog ini saya gak nulis formal, tapi yaa biasa ajaa hehe.
Sekedar melampiaskan emosi tentang UN 2013 yang saya hadapi.
Yang pengen baca lanjutin aja, yg kagak ya gak dipaksa hehe *kalo ada yang baca juga sih*

Menurut saya sendiri nih yaa, UN 2013 ini memang kacau balau, trus saya gakkk setuju yang namanya UN menentukan 60% kelulusan trus sekolah cuman 40%?! helloow!?

INI TIDAK ADIL!!! #capsJebol
Saya sebagai siswa udah sekolah 13 Tahun! Eeh 1 tahun TK ^◇^)/

3 Tahun di SMA ngerasain suka dan duka cuma ditentuin 40%?! UN hanya 4 hari yang dirasain Ketertekanan aja 60%?!
This is what i say UNBELIEVABLE!!! Cieh pake bhs inggris! Hehe

Yang bikin nambah kontra dalam diri ini ada lagi nih, si soal 20 paket yang bisa dikatain gagal, kalo disebutin berbagai kegagalannya pasti bakalan saya jelasin dan pastinya akan panjang hehe~
Gini nih, kita udah belajar dan siap, eh besoknya gak datang ntuh soal UN, jd malas deh~

Dah! Saya sbagai siswa ngerasa udah dijadiin bahan percobaan, malah gagal lagi! Ya kyk kata salah satu temenku yg jago math namanya Andi dia mentwit "angkatan soe mmg" artinya 'angkatan sial' waktu baca saya ktawa sndiri, Kalo diibaratkan kelinci percoban kita ini udak kyk mutan atau apalah yang menggila haha xD #PeaceForEveryone

Setidaknya diambil sisi positif-lah! Semoga semua Siswa & Siswi LULUS!

ps, maaf kalo ada kata2 yang salah atau aneh atau tidak menyenangkan. └(^o^)┘

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Pompom Pomeranian Diary 3

Chiko post!
He love riding car and look through the window, =_=" But he's a small dog.
Chiko met Roxy the beagle again, say hi to your cousin Chiko! ^^b
Both are noisy.
Chiko and Chelsea new photos will be uploaded couple hours later.

*Chiko in car Photos from February 2013*

(C.L) No need to Read 9/4/13

Today's  tuesday 9/4/2013.

   Just posting my big family Easter celebration on last Sunday in strawberry field Mt. Mahawu Tondano. The temperature is cold and windy.

   In these photos, there's a photo shown an area was raining. And there's me *white shirt* picked  some strawberries ha-ha. 

My cousins parents, my grandparents all is on the hut.
There's also some edelweiss flowers.

Posted via blogger android.
(Photos under below)

Review: Etude House Essence Mask Vitamin E

Aloha oee!~
this review is Etude House Essence Mask Vitamin E, i bought three on EH store in Mantos.
The store translated some description to indonesian ^^ even it has English description.

My review
I used this mask before sleep, this is a single use mask sheet and the mask is so wet.
The scents is soothing and it gave a cooling sensations.
I have to wait 20 minutes, but it still wet so i make it 35 minutes even it still wet.

After removed the mask, massage my wet face, tap it and see the result ^^
My face is fairer (as usual only last after I took off every mask i've wore --') and kinda oily actually the oil is from the mask.

✔ soothing scent
✔ moisturizing
✔ soften skin and elastic
✔ glowing and fairer effects
✔ the moisture effect last for a day and half *for me*

✘ doesn't fit my nose and specially chin area
✘ the cool sensation only when wearing the mask
✘ it's not 20 minutes to wait, (I'll make it 35 minutes more next time)

I'll rate it 4,6 of 5
Price IDR 28.000 each, around $3.0
I wanna try it for a month.

Since I post from phone so
Sorry if there's mistake.
(Photos below)

Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Pompom Pomeranian Diary II

Here's Chiko n Chelsea again. ^^

So rare to see them laying together  like this, because they're always fight.  ̄ω ̄


Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Pompom Pomeranian Diary

Introducing~ ^^

Chelsea, July 2012, Female, Teacup Pom, Light Grey.

Chiko, June 2012, Male, Mini Pom, dark Brown to light Brown.

Hope their other new pict will be upload soon ^^~

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Review: Etude House Eye's Cream Mint Cooling SPF30/PA++

HI, now I wanna give review about Eye's Cream Mint cooling SPF30 PA++ by Etude House.

I went to Etude House store in Mantos cuz I wanted to buy the goodbye dark circle thing but I can't find it so I'm looking to the eye's cream things.

It has two products, one is Mint Cooling and one's Vanilla moist, I still don't know what's for the dark circle so i ask the lady from the store for advice cuz I dunno nothing about it just like it from the first sight cuz the package is cute xD
So she told me that Mint has SPF30 and can help to reduce dark circle so I bought it.

My Review:
Just make it short, I used it almost a week *hehe* and sometimes it works and sometimes not *doesn't make any sense -_-*. I mean, when I apply it on my under eyes it's refreshed my eyes and seems disappear a bit but I think I will see the result if I use it for a month or more ^^ I love the Mint mixed sunblock scent.
And I think my eyes feels different after I used that eye's cream even it's not a week,, *just realize* looks fresher!.

- Does freshed my eyes
- Kinda fade out the dark circle a little even it's not a week
- Have the SPF30
- I Love the mint sunblock mixed scent.

- Take a long day to see the best result, I wanted it totally disappear in 3days *selfish mode*
- Small tube so, smaller the cream.

Will I purchase?  Of course, unless I found a better anti dark circle cream that works faster and perfect haha. I give 4/5 stars.

Price: IDR: 218.000 | | around $21.8